Book a Session

  • Please share any relevant information, injuries, or requests before the session. All personal information will be kept confidential.

    One-on-one sessions are held at Susan’s office in Boulder. Address is 2031 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302. Appointments may vary in length depending on individual client needs.

  • Feel free to communicate with Susan beforehand to address any concerns or questions.

I have worked with Jud through health conditions and loss. he has the ability to see beyond physical form and holds the space for transformation with acceptance

- client

As a seeker of transformation, Judson brings over 25 years of personal work and training to help guide you in your own process. He works as a catalyst for pain relief, self observation, supportive boundaries, heartfelt communication, and personal leadership.

These breakthrough techniques are far more effective than following a set of actions, goals, or being held accountable. By working with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body, we reveal unconscious patterns and deep rooted belief systems to break free and become more attuned to our own inner wisdom.


Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Rites of Passage


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